Sunday, September 16, 2012

Minnie the gardener

Minnie is always very interested in what you are doing. She likes to run under your feet or chase them as you walk. If you bend or kneel you are clearly asking her to jump up and lick your face. Anything you pick up she wants to grab hold of. I've managed to train her to keep off the garden beds although she still occasionally has to chase the water. I have to lock her out of the garden when harvesting otherwise she helps by grabbing a snow pea branch and pulling half the plant out. She also likes to eat asparagus, and today discovered the delights of pick your own arrowroot from the (currently dry) pond. Hasn't rained for 7 weeks here (not counting a 10 min sprinkle), suppose to get 10-20 mm today. I also take Minnie to the community garden at Coffs about fortnightly - put her in a pen where she is harassed by small children. She doesn't like riding in the car and howls periodically for 10 mins or so. Next weekend is the SES bush skills weekend, camping out overnight in a national park so she will be overnight alone for the first time (20m x20m fence around house so hardly cramped).

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